Data Intelligence

Accessible data

Bring together all your data from different sources, while ensuring its quality.


Access all relevant data through a single platform, anytime, anywhere.


78% of employees say "I feel I am being given responsibility".

Data is not just about statistics. It's also increasingly an area of exploration. How are your customers behaving and reacting? Leverage your data to find out and anticipate their reactions.

Reporting tells you where you came from and where you are now. Once you know that, it's up to you to choose the path you want.

Technology Partners

Group 81
Data at the service
of performance
In a world that changes every day, value creation is essential
to remain competitive.
Group 81
Innovating while preserving stability
Micropole helps you transform your decision-making landscapes with the best of innovation, while taking into account the existing situation.

With over 20 years of experience in BI solutions, our highly skilled team guides you through every step of your project to expand your window of opportunity.

+32 2 711 48 48