
"AI to leverage unstructured data" | Solutions Magazine

Gaëlle Helsmoortel explains in an interview with Solutions Magazine how generative AI can help with unstructured data.

Over 80% of all corporate data is unstructured. Until now, it has remained untapped.

This is where generative AI comes to the rescue!

gaelle helsmoortel

Unstructured data is a goldmine of marketing intelligence.

With the ability to quickly analyze huge amounts of data and personalize customer behaviors, you'll better understand what your customers are saying about you. You can really analyze and understand what they want. And, as a result, adapt your offers and services.

- Gaëlle Helsmoortel
Data Strategy Director & GenAI Expert

Gaëlle Helsmoortel, Director of Data Strategy and resident expert in generative AI, was interviewed in Solutions Magazine about her expertise in data and AI.

She talks about the problem of unstructured data being underutilized and untapped by companies at present. Let's hope this changes as companies discover the massive potential that generative AI can bring in this area.

In unstructured data lies the potential to rework entire customer journeys, discover new business models and better predict future trends. It's an opportunity that companies would do well not to squander.

Interested in finding out more? Click here to be directed to the article itself.

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