9 items
Blog, Cloud Acceleration, Google Cloud Platform

BigLake: why and how to use it? Organizations see their .....

Blog, Cloud Acceleration, Cloud Migration, Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Next 2022 The kick-off of the Google event...

Blog, Cloud Acceleration, Microsoft Azure

Boost your performance with Delta Lake 2.0 What is Delta Lake 2.0?

Blog, Microsoft Azure

Introduction Implementation of the use case: provide an application...

Cloud Acceleration, Data Driven, Microsoft Azure, Data Strategy, Tribune

"Data-driven businesses make better decisions...

Cloud Acceleration, Cloud Migration, Google, Google Cloud Platform, Data Strategy

In short, Micropole adds Google to its list of partners...

Cloud Acceleration, Data Driven, Microsoft Azure, Data Strategy, Tribune

Companies have learned the reason why they should...

Amazon Web Services, Cloud Acceleration, Lucy in the cloud, Microsoft Azure

The cloud constitutes for companies a lever of acceleration at the...

Process Driven, SAP, SAP Analytics, Financial Transformation

Thanks to the hard work of our teams, we can now...


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